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Add Snow Fall Effect to WordPress Blogs

Yesterday I showed 8 Christmas inspired WordPress Themes, some of those themes had a nice snow fall effect in them while others didn’t. Now today, here are three Plugins for WordPress using which you can add a snow fall effect to any theme.

Let It Snow!
Let It Snow! is a simple plugin which adds a nice snow effect on your blog with out dealing with any settings. Just install and activate it. You will get a nice smooth snow fall effect.

However if you still want to customize the snowing effect to suit your needs, you can head over to settings and vary the number of snow flakes, change speed of snow fall in both vertical and horizontal direction and enable to settle snow at the bottom of the screen.

Download: Let It Snow!

Snow, balloons and more

This plugin provides more advanced options. In addition to snowflakes falling from the sky, you can also add leaves, water droplets and balloons that can float upwards. Other than the default images, you can even use your own images by uploading them.
All the effects are fully customizable and can be used according to your liking.

Download: Snow, Balloon and more | Demo


This plugin adds two snow mans, greeting your blog visitors and a snow fall effect. It doesn’t have any settings.

Download: WP-Christmas

Here is another light + snow effect you can use. Just add the javascript code to your theme to get the effects.

Before you use this, do note it’s outside of the WordPress repository and it’s undocumented. It may contain some bugs, so first test it out and see if it’s compatible with your blog’s theme.

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