Google began rolling out a darker menu bar across its sites recently. Earlier I showed how to change the bar color to white, or any other color you wanted. Now, in this post I will show how you can get an Ubuntu Ambiance-themed ‘Panel’ navigation bar.
To get this look, you need to apply a userstyle called Google menu Ubuntu theme. It is available for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. To apply, follow the instructions below for both browsers on Windows and Ubuntu.
How to Apply?
Download and extract zip archive. Inside it you will find two separate folders: Chromium and Firefox — containing a CSS file.
Chrome: Move custom.css file to
C:\Users\{win profile}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\User StyleSheets\
Firefox: Move userContent.css to
C:\Users\{win profile}\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Mozilla Firefox\{your profile}\chrome\
Chrome: Move custom.css file to ~/.config/chromium/Default/User StyleSheets/
Firefox: Move userContent.css to ~/.mozilla/firefox/yourProfile/chrome/
Note: Profile folders maybe hidden on both OSes.
Changes will be instantly seen on Chrome, Firefox may require a restart or page reload.
Download: Google menu Ubuntu theme