If you have received a suspicious link in your e-mail or you think that the site you are currently viewing is a phishing or fraud site, you can now do check on it with a single click using VTchromizer.
VTchromizer is a Google Chrome extension that gives you the ability to scan websites, files, URLs, and more for viruses and malwares before actually visiting a link or downloading the file.
To scan a link, simply right-click on it and select “Scan with VirusTotal.”
A new page will then open where the URL will be analysed with VirusTotal that reports about the site using data from Firefox, G-Data, Google Safebrowsing, Opera, ParetoLogic and Phishtank services.
Once it’s done you can know if the link is clean or not and proceed further with confidence.
You can also do a scan for the webpage you currently are on. To do so, click on the VirusTotal icon in the Chrome address toolbar and select “Scan current site.” It will then scan all the links present on that page.
If you are a Firefox user, use VTzilla (direct-link) add-on for similar feature.
Install: VTchromizer