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2 Tools to Extract and Compress Files Online

Web apps can be useful when a required software is not available on your computer or if you are not allowed to install a new software. They can be used anywhere and most of the times they are also platform independent. In this post I have listed two free online compression tools that can be used as a replacement for your desktop compression utility.



ezyZip allows you to create and unzip compressed zip files. To simplify the task it also supports drag and drop feature. The best thing about ezyZip is that, unlike other online utilities, it does not upload your files. That means you can easily create large compressed files without having to go through the trouble of uploading and then downloading it. It works exactly like a locally installed app but only through a browser.
ezyZip require Java to work. It’s might be already installed on your computer, if it’s not you can download it from the link on the site.

Visit: ezyZip

ezyZip supports only ZIP formats but if you need support for more compressed file formats check out WobZIP below.



WobZIP is another web based app that can extract and compress files. WobZIP supports a wide range of formats which includes the popular ZIP and RAR, and also others such as 7z, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZHCHM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB and NSIS.

Unlike ezyZIP, WobZIP works completely online, so you need to upload your files online. It supports a maximum file upload size of 100 MB.

You can use it to extract online files as well, just point the URL and it does the rest. It also has support for password protected files.

WobZIP requires no additional softwares and is completely free.

Visit: WobZIP

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