So here I am compiling a list of YouTube feeds that you can subscribe to in your favorite feed reader.
User Feeds
User’s video uploads
This URL will retrieve a feed containing all of the videos uploaded by a specific user.
Note: Replace “username” in all feeds with the YouTube user’s channel you wish to subscribe to.
User’s favorite videos
This URL will retrieve a feed containing a specific user’s favorite videos.
User’s events feed
This URL will retrieve a feed containing a specific user’s live-streaming events. Not all accounts have live streaming. This returns blank if you try to subscribe to a user who has not created an event or if it’s not enabled for their account.
User’s Playlists
This URL will retrieve a feed listing a specific user’s playlists.
Individual Playlists
You can subscribe to a specific playlist’s with this feed URL. Simply replace “xxx..” with the playlist ID you want.
New Videos in a User’s Subscriptions
This URL will give you new videos from your subscriptions.
If you get a “Login required to view this user’s new subscription videos” message, enable activity sharing for your account.
User’s subscriptions
Just like the list of playlists, this URL will retrieve a feed listing a specific user’s subscriptions.
Site Feeds
Search feed
Subscribe to a specific search term. Replace “youtube” with the term you want.
Category feed
Subscribe to specific category.
Specific Term in a Category
This will let you subscribe to a specific term in a category.