One of the problems a Blogger user faces is transferring blog from one account to the other. Google has provided features to export a whole blog and then import it on another Blogger account, but in doing so you wont be able to use the old blog address with your new account. There’s a way by which you can achieve it though! Here’s how you can transfer it without having to remove or change the Blog’s web address.
Step 1:
Open you current blogger account. Go to Settings in your dashboard

Now click on Add Authors and type in the id of your new account.
A confirmation link will be sent to the new email id. Open it, and accept it!
Then reopen this account and give full admin rights to the new author.
Step 2:
Now log out of the account and log in with the new account. There you will notice the blog in your dashboard.
Go to Permissions and then revoke admin rights from the previous account and then delete the author

There! You just transferred your Blogger Blog to another account without having to change the blog address!
2 thoughts on “How to Transfer Blogger Blog from one Gmail/Blogger Account to the Other”
thanks a lot for this wonderful explanation… helped me.. keep sharing more bro….
Glad it helped! 🙂