Google has launched a new product, named Takeout, which allows users to export their data from several Google products in one simple download. Currently, you can take out your data from Buzz, Profile, Picasa Web Albums, Contacts and Circles(which is new to Google+), and Stream (also part of Google+). Support for more services and products will be added in future.

Using the tool is quite simple, head over to, sign in with your Google account, and choose the products from which you want to export data, and hit the “Create Archive” button. Google will then create a compressed zip file of all your data, and provided with a link to download. Similar to how Facebook data download works.
Archive creation is quite fast, with around 3000 files, my zip file was ready for download in around 30 seconds. Inside the folder, data is neatly sorted by each service.

After downloading, you can delete everything stored on Google. It’s also possible to import the data to other services as all information is in an open format.
Now, even if you have no plan to leave Google, this is a great way to backup your data. Hit the link below, to try it yourself.
Visit: Google Takeout