Until now, you could only see fonts on a webpage that you already had installed on your computer. This imposed a limitation on the web designer on the font variations he could use while designing a site. That situation is changing now as all modern browsers supports the ability to download web fonts. A web font doesn’t need to be installed on the local computer—it can be read directly from a web server and used on the webpage.
Google had launched Google Font API in May. Google Font API makes it possible for website developers to use any one of the web fonts on their pages. Using Google Font API, Google has introduced 6 new fonts in Google Docs: Droid Serif, Droid Sans, Calibri, Cambria, Consolas and Corsiva. These fonts can be used in all documents that you create in Google Docs and all users can see the document as intended by the author without installing the fonts on their computer.
Note: To use the new fonts, you need to be using the New version of Google documents and check that web fonts are supported in the language that you are going to use and that the document language is set correctly. If you don’t have this as the default editor, go to Settings -> Documents Settings, you can find this on the top-right corner inside Google Docs. There click on Editing Tab and mark as shown in the image below. Hit Save.
To set the document language, go to File -> Language menu and set as the document language.

Fonts Preview:
Droid Serif and Droid Sans

Calibri and Cambria

Consolas and Corsiva

Many more fonts are planned to be added in the coming months.