Have you ever wanted to have your own internet tv channel? Then here are three sites that will help you achieve this dream for free.

Livestream allows it’s members to create their own internet TV channel. You can broadcast your live feed on your channel page, your website or on social networking sites.
Livestream provides you with three tools to broadcast live: LiveStream Webcaster, LiveStream Studio, and Livestream Procaster.
Livestream Webcaster, is a flash app on their website which provides a simple solution for those who want to quickly jump in and broadcast live with a Webcam or DV Camera.
Livestream Studio, is a also a flash app but with more advanced controls. With this you can create a team of reporters, cue webcams, manage your library, record shows, control an “autopilot”, and manage a video-on-demand for your viewers. You can also add a scrolling ticker that runs at the bottom of the screen. Livestream’s Studio also allows for Twitter integration, which will automatically send out tweets on your behalf when you’re live.
Livestream Procaster is a free software, which enables you to broadcast directly from your desktop. The software also allows for 3D video mix effects, Twitter integration and also chat capability. Procaster can also broadcast feeds of computer games.
LiveStream offers both free and premium accounts. Free account is ad-supported, offers standard quality ( upto 500kbbps) and standard features. The premium account comes at $350/month, you can show your ads, offer widescreen HD quality ( upto 1.7mbps) and also get features like analytics.
Visit: Livestream

Ustream allows users to broadcast live feed from the website or from a mobile using Ustream’s mobile broadcasting app. Users can chat and rate, while watching the stream.
Ustream’s basic service is free but ad-supported. Ustream also offers Watershed, a pay-as-you-go version of their service. Watershed customers can broadcast using a fully customizable player with a variety of different features and options including chat, privacy, and analytics.
Visit: Ustream.tv

Users of Justin.tv can broadcast directly from an attached webcam, but it also supports broadcasting using other third party software like QuickTime Broadcaster, Camtwist, Flash Media Encoder, Wirecast, and VLC.
Justin.tv has no default video quality setting; instead, it sets bitrate on a case-by-case basis by testing the broadcaster’s available bandwidth. Though, the broadcaster can also manually adjust the bitrate before going live.
Like both the sites above, Justin.tv also allows users to embed their feed and a chat box onto pages outside the site.
Justin.tv is free but to get ad free experience, one can opt for a $9.99 monthly plan or a $25.99 3-month plan. If you want to try out the premium service first, there’s also a 1 day trial plan that costs $1.99
Visit: Justin.tv