Easily delete unwanted files within a folder or subfolders based on its extension and attribute. Also, automate the process using Task Scheduler.
Snap any window in Microsoft Windows 7 and 8 to the top or bottom of the screen using keyboard shortcuts.
Save power by automatically switching to a less resource intensive Windows theme when laptop is unplugged from electricity source and running on battery
Want to share your music creation with the world? Here are some free music hosting services and players, that you can use to upload and share music from your own website or blog.
Do you want to display pressed keyboard keys and mouse click in a video or presentation? Then check out these free utilities that can help you out..
Give your site visitors the ability to quickly navigate between blog posts using keyboard shortcuts. This feature requires jQuery.
Use Advanced Search Queries to find files based on its size, images based on its height or width, songs based on artist or album, and many more properties in Windows Explorer.
Use Vistalizator, a portable tool, to override Windows MUI language installation protection and install multiple display languages on all Windows editions.
Notify browser to download a new copy of stylesheet, JavaScript and other static files when they are updated on the server.
Password secure your audio and video files, and protect it from unauthorized access using the GreenForce-Player