As part of a Foursquare for universities program, Foursquare had released a series of five university badges last August, but they could only be unlocked at those partnered campuses. Today, Foursquare has announced that they’ve made those badges available to anyone, at all campuses around the world.
Here are the five badges:
Campus Explorer: Check in to 10 different locations around campus.

You’ve travelled far and wide to explore every corner of campus – all without getting scurvy. Magellan’s got nothing on you!
Munchies: Check in to five different campus cafes, restaurants, food courts or dining halls.

Nom Nom Nom. That’s 5 check-ins at campus dining halls. You must be a Grilled Cheese connoisseur. You deserve a TV Show!
Smells Like School Spirit: Check in at any college stadium, field or complex five times.

Woah! That’s your 5th check-in showing your school pride. You’re a super fan! Now remember to wash off that face paint before you go to bed – huge mistake!
Bookworm Bender: Check into a venue categorizes as study area/library after midnight.

Looks like you’re throwing a late night bender at the library. Ain’t no party like a Pythagorean Theorem party!
Quad Squatter: Check into a quad or commons 10 times.

That’s your 10th check-in at the Quad. Either you’re majoring in Botany, or you just gave up on class altogether.