SlideRocket is a web app which allows you to create, manage, share and publish presentations online. SlideRocket features a simple to use and neat user interface.

If you decide to start from scratch, you can select any of the themes on offer or create your own theme by using custom images, either from the web or uploading from the computer. You can add charts, images, videos, transitions and effects to your presentation. Even custom fonts can be used by uploading them. Every tiny details of a presentation are covered, such as alignment of elements, opacity, fill color, effects, etc.
Once a presentation has been created, you can invite people to view it and you can also prevent them from redistributing it. Presentations can also be embed on your site. There’s also an Adobe AIR-based offline viewer, that allows you to preview presentations offline.
SlideRocket offers tracking facility for presentations, which let’s you know who is viewing your presentation, where it’s viewed, who it’s being shared with, and more.
SlideRocket is not entirely free. The free account offers 250MB Storage and has a file size limit of 15 Mb. You can compare both free and premium accounts here.
Visit: SlideRocket