When you find an interesting video on YouTube, you share it with your friends by sending them the URL. Then you wait for them to watch it and reply.
Now, a website called YouTube Social, has brought a new style of video sharing with friends. YouTube Social allows both you and your friends to watch the same video together and also chat about it.

The interface of the site is simple and easy to understand. On the left site the video plays and on the right there’s a chat list. At the bottom, there’s the URL of the room you need to share with friends so that they could join you in watching the video.
When your friends join, they will be displayed in boxes below the video with their picture.
YouTube Social is controlled by a virtual remote control. If it is you who has invited friends, then you will be in control of the remote and also control what everyone else watches. However, if you wish, the remote can also be passed on to someone else, so that they can select what will be played. To do so, just drag the virtual remote onto their picture.
To play a video, you can search for it using the red “Find A Video” button or you can also add a video URL directly.
Using the chat function to the right of the video, you can talk about what you’re watching, while you’re watching it.
Visit: YouTube Social