Two days ago, The Wall Street Journal India launched a Hindi blog, called India Real Time, which offers topics related to entertainment, sports, politics, economy & business in India. The WSJ also has an English blog of the same name, but the content doesn’t appear to overlap. Some stories are a translation of the English post, but much of the content is unique to each blog. It’s all part of the site.

Memo from Paul Beckett, the Journal India bureau chief:
From: Beckett, Paul
To: Beckett, Paul
Sent: Wed Sep 15 20:41:44 2010
Subject: What’s New on “Hindi” Real Time
Dear All:
I should really be writing this in Hindi since it is to announce that this afternoon our India blog – India Real Time – went live in Hindi as well as English.
The new Hindi site is here:
Please check it out, see what you think, and tell others who may be more interested in reading our take on news and events in India in Hindi.
More broadly, this is part of the WSJ’s commitment to greater engagement with its Indian audience in India and around the world, which started with the India web site and now includes an India mobile application, India Real Time, India Real Time in Hindi, India Chief Mentor, our award-winning Rural India page, India Jobs listings in partnership with, and same-day publishing in India of The Wall Street Journal Asia.
Let me also take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the past 18 months and we hope you’ll keep in close touch with us and our publications in the months ahead.
All the best,
Paul Beckett
Bureau Chief
The Wall Street Journal
New Delhi
(+91) 98 7366 XXXX
visit us at: