Keyboard Tweaker is a Hotkeys manager. It transforms a normal keyboard with 101/102 keys into a multimedia keyboard using the hotkeys.

This software lets you have functionality like the ones that launch your email, applications, websites and change your volume by using hotkeys. All these functionality can be duplicated on a normal keyboard by using Keyboard Tweaker from Buturga Alex. After launching the application you will see the above screen and a new System Tray icon.

The system tray icon looks like a cross between a bowling ball and a smiley face. When the bowling ball starts winking at you – it will become apparent that it is a smiley face! Right clicking on the icon will give you two options to either show or exit the application.
There is a hotkey assigned to change your volume(default Ctrl + Alt + Up), when you press that key the volume increases and also shows it on screen like so:

Download: Keyboard Tweeker [731Kb]