Apple has released the final version of iTunes 10.1 today.

iTunes 10.1 is required to install iOS 4.2. Of course, iOS 4.2 hasn’t released yet, but considering the update to iTunes just landed, it may be coming any day now. The update also includes plenty of updates and enhancements to iTunes itself.
What’s new?
- Use AirPlay to instantly and wirelessly stream videos from iTunes to the all-new Apple TV.
- Sync with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 4.2.
- Provides a number of important stability and performance improvements.
Tip: You can now disable Ping by going to iTunes -> Preferences.
iTunes 10.1 is compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 and higher, and Windows 7/Vista/XP.
You can download iTunes 10.1 via Software update on the Mac, Apple Software update on Windows or directly from the Apple iTunes website.
Download: iTunes 10.1 | Direct Link: iTunes 10.6 for Mac | iTunes 10.6 for Windows (32-bit)