CutMP3 is a simple, free online tool that allows you to cut out or trim MP3 files in your browser without uploading or re-encoding it.

To trim MP3 audio files, just go to the website and click on ‘Open MP3’ to choose an audio file. The selected audio file is then analyzed and presented to you for selection. Next, use the sliders or precise time markers to accurately select the portion you want to trim to. You can check if the selected portion is exactly what you want by playing. When you are happy, hit the ‘Cut’ button to save the portion as a new MP3 file. The newly saved file preserves the original audio quality.
CutMP3 isn’t the tool for those looking to alter or mix their audio and it also cannot replace versatile desktop applications like Audacity, but its sheer simplicity in usage and fast editing makes it a useful app. It is just perfect for quickly creating ringtones or sample audio files without bothering with too many options. And it’s also handy if you are on a computer that’s not yours.
CutMP3 performs all operation on your computer, so you can even upload large audio files without waiting for upload and download.
CutMP3 is free and requires no sign-up to use.
Visit: CutMp3