There are many applications that provides back up facility for flash drives but they are not build for mobile memory cards and lacks several customizations options that USBFlashCopy provides.
USBFlashCopy is an application which sits silently in the system tray and whenever you plugin a new external device, it will pop up a window. From here you can create a new profile for it, use the default profile, or choose to never backup this media. There is also an option to enable silent mode but for that you will have to purchase a key.
You can set drive letter policy in the “Media Drives” section in settings. Here you can assign rules to each of the drive letters. Namely, Auto, Force and Skip. So, if you assign drive E: as “Skip”, any time any media is inserted in that drive, USBFlashCopy will not prompt you for any action.
While creating a new profile, you have the option of naming the profile, setting destination path for the backup, copy speed and excluding certain files. For the files that are modified on the device two modes can be selected – overwrite old files or keep a copy of old files.
After you create a profile for the device, the backup process will start as per the rules.

To backup memory cards from phones, select the Data Storage Mode in the phone when you connect it to your computer. This will enable it to act like a USB drive and you can backup your card.
USBFlashCopy is a light, portable application and works on all Windows versions.
Download: USBFlashCopy [240 Kb]