FriendShuffle is a simple service that allows you to randomly shuffle through links shared by your Facebook and Twitter friends.

Visit FriendShuffle and log in with your Facebook and/or Twitter account and it will create a web-framed slideshow of the pages “Liked” by your friends on Facebook or links that your friends have shared on Twitter.
You can like whatever one of your friends has shared by clicking on “I like it too!” or click the “Shuffle” button to move on to the next site.
When you click the “I like it too!” button, the link get’s shared on your Facebook profile and Twitter account.
On the bar FriendShuffle displays which friend shared the link and how long ago they shared it.
If you ever run out of links shared by your friends, you will be presented with a message like below:

Though that’s unlikely that you will ever see it because of the sheer number of sites Facebook like is implemented on and the number of links being shared and liked by one’s friends.
FriendShuffle works on a similar concept to StumbleUpon. With StumbleUpon, you train the site to know your interests whereas FriendShuffle takes the idea that you share similar interests with your Facebook friends and runs with it.
Visit: FriendShuffle