Twitter has been a major news source for some time now and there are many tools available to search tweets by text and hashtags. If you want to search twitter specifically for images here are seven image search engines for you:
Note: All the images are user generated and unmoderated so you may get some NSFW images.

Twicly is a simple real time image search engine with only a search box on the homepage. To launch a search, enter the relevant keyword and hit ‘Enter‘ key, as there’s not even a button to launch search. Twicly gives you options to share an image on Facebook and to tweet about it. With the two links: “POPULAR” and “LIVE FEED” you can view the most popular and latest images on twitter.
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Twipho gives you the options of limiting the amount of results you get, search by location and you can also select your preferred image host(s). In addition to images, Twipho can also show videos from twitvid.

Twitcaps is another real-time image search engine. In addition to browse, search and sharing feature Twitcaps has a unique “capture” feature. This feature allows you to capture a picture and save it under your own twitpic service. Other features include filtering by image host and by language, and translation of tweets on the fly. You can also subscribe to the latest and popular images RSS feed.
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Picfog is a real time search engine, which keeps on popping new images related to your search query as they get tweeted on twitter. It also gives you the ability to follow a particular tweet user and to re-tweet the image to your own followers. Picfog can search by location and user.

Twicsy shows you the top trending pictures on twitter at a particular time. It keeps a count of how many times an image gets retweeted and you can view the popular images by – 2 hours, 4 hours, 12 hours, day and week. In addition to trending pictures, it also shows you the trending topics in a list for on the right side of the page.

LiveFrame shows the resultant thumbnails and original images on the same page. You can click on an image thumbnail on the left pane and it will take you to the image. You can read the message attached with an image and also comment on it. If you load more images, they are loaded on the same page and can result into an extremely long page.

View140 by default shows the top five twitter trends at that particular moment. Using the search box at the top, more images can be searched.
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