In an earlier post, I showed how you can encrypt a USB flash drive using TrueCrypt on Windows. In this post, I will show how you can do the same on Ubuntu.

Encrypt Flash Drive
- Download Ubuntu version of Truecrypt and Install.
- Run TrueCrypt and hit Create New Volume.
- In the TrueCrypt volume creation wizard, select “Create a volume within partition drive” option and click Next.
- Select “Standard TrueCrypt volume” for Volume Type and click Next.
- Now select the Device which you want to encrypt and click Next.
- Select Yes when prompted if you’re sure you want to encrypt the entire device. Click Next.
- Choose the encryption algorithm and hash algorithm. Select AES or TwoFish both are strong encryption algorithm. Click Next.
- Now set the volume password or you can also use keyfiles. Keyfile can be any type of file you want or else you can create a new keyfile too. Click Next.
- In the Volume Format option, select FAT filesystem if you want cross-platform support. Click on Next.
- The drive will now be formatted for use. The time taken will depend upon your drive size.
Note: If you loose the keyfile, all the files you encrypt will be lost for ever so store the keyfile used safely.
Mount Encrypted Flash Drive
- Plug in your flash drive and run TrueCrypt.
- Select the encrypted volume device.
- Select a free slot and click on “Mount” button to mount the encrypted volume.
- Next enter your device password or provide the keyfile or both. You may also need to enter your system password to authorize. Finally click OK.
- The device will be mounted on your selected drive.
Unmount Encrypted Flash Drive
- Open TrueCrypt
- Select the mounted drive and click “Dismount.”
Download: TrueCrypt for Ubuntu