Facebook users were allowed to send friend requests to anyone they want. This resulted in some users misusing the ability by spamming others with unknown friend requests. Later on, Facebook imposed a limit on the number of awaiting friend request a user could have. Once a user reached that limit, either they had to cancel an already sent request or the other user had to reject it, before they could send a new one.
From the image below it appears Facebook is once again changing this system.

Now when you try to send a friend request to anyone, Facebook wants you to conform that you actually know the person.
The conformation text reads:
Are you sure you know ‘person name’?
If you send a request to a stranger, it will be considered spam and your friend request will be blocked temporarily. Please only send this request if you know ‘person name’.
You can proceed and send the request, but if the user rejects your request, it may result in temporally having this feature blocked for you.
It is not exactly known how Facebook determines whether or not the person you are sending a request to is a stranger or not, but they have this option now for some users.
If this works properly, it will be welcome change and will reduce spam requests in vast numbers. [Image via Zach]
11 thoughts on “Facebook: You Sure You Know Him?”
It’s a bit odd, but I know a way to make your friend request like that. Every time you receive friend requests, click “Not Now”. After you click that, visit your “Request Page” at your homepage in Facebook. Search for the friend request that you click Not Now and click “Mark as spam”. As you did this same thing more than ten to fifteen times, Facebook will automatically change your privacy settings to this type of friend request. Hope it helps! Thanks!
Thanks for the great tip, teresa!!!
Hey just wanna ask where could i find the “mark as spam” after i ignore the friend request of a stranger> please help i want this kind …..
Theres no “mark as spam” option, but you can prevent the person from sending you further requests by clicking on the “Don’t know SENDER NAME?” link seen after you click on “Not now.”
You can also block the person from his profile.
Thanks, by clicking “Not now” or ignoring many friend request will I have that kind of confirmation above when someone wants to add me?. tnx
No Simon. It is shown only to those users who try to send friend requests to strangers.
thank again for the info, but how can i have that kind of request when someone is trying to add me?,
It cannot be set by a user. It’s automatically done by Facebook.
can i make it ?
how to do this ??
i respectfully disagree, as i was given this message while trying to add a classmate which i had several friends in common already. i very rarely add someone that i don’t personally know and very rarely if ever had someone “ignore” or “not now” or whatever you call it my request.