Google Chrome, has 11 About and 4 Chrome pages (at the moment of writing). Chrome does not provide an easy access to these About pages by placing any link on it’s menu, instead users have to manually access them by remembering and entering about: strings in the omni bar. If you access the about pages very often, you will definitely like ChromeAccess.
ChromeAccess is a simple extension that provides link to all About and Chrome pages in a drop down menu.

Here are the current list of hidden Chrome and About pages for Google Chrome.
- chrome://extensions – Shows extensions installed in Chrome
- chrome://history – Shows web history
- chrome://downloads – Shows Chrome download manager
- chrome://bookmarks – Open Chrome bookmark manager
- about:net-internals – Shows Chrome network information
- about:memory – Shows memory usage of every tab and website loaded
- about:dns – Shows DNS information
- about:plugins – Shows Plugin information such as Flash and RealPlayer plugin
- about:cache – Shows internet cache
- about:sync – Shows bookmark sync data.
- about:histograms – Shows A list of histograms for Google Chrome’s internal metrics
- about:about – Shows list of all chrome’s about pages.
- about:labs – Allows you to enable/disable experimental features.
- about:version – Shows Chrome’s version number, webkit and user agent
- about:credits – Shows credits and links
If you want to hide a particular item from the menu, it can be done from the ChromeAccess options.
Download: ChromeAccess