Quickly disable Cascading Style Sheets for a certain website using a bookmarklet or the browser’s native feature.
Set any custom image as favicon to a JavaScript bookmarklet in Mozilla Firefox with Bookmark Favicon Changer add-on. It’s a free extension, and works will all flavours of Firefox.
This tutorial explains how to flip the DNT switch ON in the five most popular browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Apple Safari, and Google Chrome.
Markdown Here is an extension that lets you write email in Markdown and render it before sending with syntax highlighting. It’s available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Thunderbird.
Here’s a simple solution to remove mistakenly typed URLs or any unwanted website address from Google Chrome’s Omnibox suggestion.
TalkTyper is a free speech-to-text web application that lets you dictate to your web browser and get your work done quickly. It supports 18 languages.
Two new exiting tools have just landed in Firefox 15: Responsive Mode and Layout View. These new tools will help web developers test their responsive websites in different screen sizes right within the browser.
A complete guide on how to customize and implement Internet Explorer 9’s site pinning feature on WordPress or any other website.
Know how to create Google Chrome desktop shortcuts to the ‘default’ and other specific user profiles using command line switches in Windows.
Plus it later is a Chrome extension that allows users to save Google Plus postings to their Read it Later account and read them later at their convenience