Exif Viewer is a simple tool that gives you complete information of an image, which includes basic metadata like image shot date, to more in-depth data like GPS endcoded location, focal length, and lots more.
Dimensions 2 Folders is a portable application that can quickly sort and organize all your images into folders based on their resolution or aspect ratio.
Ways to view WebP images and thumbnails natively in Windows, and software, plugins to create and edit the images in Photoshop, GIMP and others
Easy Image Uploader is a portable application that allows you to upload an image to multiple image hosting services from your desktop in just a single click.
SageThumbs is an opensource application that allows users to view thumbnail of PSD, NEF and many other rare image fomats right inside Windows Explorer.
Layouts for Google Plus is a new Chrome extension that lets you personalize Google+ with a custom background image. Set images are visible on all pages and can be easily changed whenever you want.
Pick & Zip is a free online tool that allows you to download photos from Facebook in a single Zip or PDF file, instead of having to use Facebook’s interface for one-off downloads.
Twitter has been a major news source for some time now and there are many tools available to search tweets by text and hashtags. If you want to search twitter specifically for images here are seven image search engines for you: Note: All the images are user generated and unmoderated […]
Panoramas or panoramic pictures are created by taking several pictures of a scene and combing them together. The neat thing about creating a panorama is that you can take a series of photos of the same place, or event and then, using a free software program, you can then stitch […]
Sometime back, I had reviewed a desktop application that can create ASCII Art From Images. Now, Photo2Text does just that but it’s an online app. So, you can access it from anywhere. Photo2Text is pretty simple and easy to use.