Create HTML Directory Listing of Folders and Files on Windows

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Snap2HTML is a portable Windows application that allows you to quickly create a snapshot of folder and file structures of any directory on your hard drive and saves it as a HTML file. You can then share or view the file in any browser and navigate through the folders like a real directory. It even has a built-in search function that allows you to find any file or folder with its name or extension.

Snap2HTML application

How to create a snapshot?

To create an HTML snapshot of a folder, download the compressed program file, extract its contents, and run Snap2HML.exe file. Now select the folder of which you want to create the snapshot. Optionally, you can choose to include hidden and system files in your HTML folder tree. When everything is set, click on ‘Create Folder Snapshot’ button, and choose where you want to save the HTML file and also give it a name.

Once the HTML file is created, open it in any browser to view the list of files and folders. On the left pane you can see all the folders and navigate among them, while the files with all details appear on right side. You can sort the files by name, size and last modified attributes. General information about the folder and search can be found at the top.

Snap2HTML snapshot
Snap2HTML snapshot

Snap2HTML is a freeware and works perfectly on all versions and editions of Windows.

Download: Snap2HTML

Snap2HTML is a nice and easy app to use, but one feature you may want is the ability to link to actual files in the HTML file. This is useful, for instance, if you are using your system as a server. For such cases, check out another freeware called Dir2HTML.

Dir2HTML is, again, a freeware application for Windows that creates an HTML index file of all contents of a directory.


You can create a sub-section for each subfolder or hide subfolders and also create an HTML sitemap in .htm format.

This is not a portable application, so you need to install it before you can use. Once installed, enter the Input and Output folder, choose desired options and HTML formatting options. Options consists of the ability to add size, date, description, summary and to include hidden files and folders in the HTML file. And the features that was missing in the earlier app – link prefix and back-link. With this options, you can create an HTML index file ready for use on a server.

The output HTML page can also be fully customized. You can change the page title, fonts, and colors of various elements. When you are happy with all the customizations and settings, click on ‘Start and Create Output File’ button to create the HTML file.

Dir2HTML works on all Windows versions.

Download: Dir2HTML