Love customizing things? Then here’s how you can style Google Chrome Web Inspector to your liking with custom syntax colors, editor font, and more.
Google Chrome
With Original Picasa, you can download any image hosted on the Picasa server in original size by just right-clicking on it.
Gmail Preview Pane Extend userscript removes the right-sidebar in Gmail and extends Preview Pane to the full width of the screen. It works on Chrome and Firefox.
Layouts for Google Plus is a new Chrome extension that lets you personalize Google+ with a custom background image. Set images are visible on all pages and can be easily changed whenever you want.
Facebook Sidebar Chat Reversion is a userscript that brings back the old Facebook chat layout and functionality. It works on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.
GTools+ is an extension for Google Chrome that allows you to customize the Google navigation bar by reordering Google products links, changing the notification colors, hiding the links you don’t use, and more.
+Comment Toggle is an addon for Google+ that gives you the option to hide/show all comments made on a particular post. Additionally it also shows the total number of read and unread comments count.
Want to search for Google+ posts and friends straight from your Chrome address bar? Follow the steps shown in this post.
Google began rolling out a darker menu bar across its sites recently. In this post I will show how you can get an Ubuntu Ambiance-themed ‘Panel’ navigation bar.
Google Light Navbar is a userscript for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera that lets users customize the Google Navigation Bar color to anything they want